How Indoor Navigation Works in 2020

The concept behind GPS navigation units has been around for a few time. In fact, it's been in use since the very first Global Positioning System satellite was sent to space within the year 1978. There are literally an honest amount of applications for GPS systems for both civilians and therefore the military, but its greatest use as of this time is in terms of navigation. the foremost basic GPS technology isn't really useful for ordinary automobiles since GPS readings are all about latitudes, longitudes and altitudes while a car deals with roads. due to this, automobile GPS technology is basically different from the first system How Indoor Navigation Works in 2020 . Although it's become one among the fundamentals in most automobiles nowadays, there are people that don't really understand how GPS navigation works. Basically, the GPS satellites in space send signals to the GPS equipment that folks are using on the bottom . The equipment is passive naturally . They receive...